Monday, March 8, 2010

Too Cute for Words

Trent's first portrait session in a studio at 6 and a half months old. He was very cooperative with the photographer and we got some great pictures as a result!


Tami said...

Oh my goodness! Melt me! What a cuttie!!! Can't wait till we can see you guys again!

Eevi said...

wow he is such a doll. Not that I am surprised since his parents are such good looking people. Aren't little boys the best thing in the world?

ab!sh said...

He is so good! Samuel still doesn't like the camera. Cute pics.

Bryan, Taylor and Aspen said...

Holy Cow! I am the luckiest Aunt in the world!! I just want to squeeze him!!!!!! Just adorable. I seriously need one of those pictures in my wallet! Miss you-

Nikki Nichols said...

Candis, just found your blog... he is s so so cute!

Kirkhams said...

Look how big he is getting!! What fun pictures! We miss seeing you guys!!

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